Molly Hughes
Blossoms appear in front of the Ghosh building.
Picture this: students emerging from their winter hibernation, squinting at the unfamiliar brightness of the sun, only to be greeted by an explosion of pollen.
Truly though, the blooms of spring on campus are a welcome sight after this long Worcester winter. Walking through campus you may see cherry blossom trees above you, and daffodils below.
Bright white trees frame the entire Ghosh Science & Technology building, giving lower campus a bright and fragrant atmosphere.
While walking around campus this month you have been entrapped by the sun, causing you to miss class, like commuter student Grace Kalinowski who says, “When I feel the sun rays, they draw me toward them. It’s beyond my control. I’ll try to drive to class and find myself pulling into a park instead.”
Grace isn’t the only one. You have seen the hammocks set up in front of the library, and the picnic blankets on the wellness green. How is anyone expected to go to class in these conditions?!
As temperatures rise, make sure to keep up with your last finals so you can enjoy a summer of peace and leisure!